Hacks to Disembark Cruise Ships

Your cruise is coming to an end and the time to disembark is almost upon you. After your enjoyable holiday, make sure the experience is not ruined by the sad, and sometimes confusing, disembarkation process. Seasoned travellers and newcomers alike can find the process of leaving their holiday daunting but using these simple hacks will ensure an easy disembarkation.


Disembarkation Information 

On most ships, your disembarkation information will be left in your cabin 1-2 days before you leave the ship. This of course, may vary depending on the length of the cruise and the company you are travelling with. Details include optional transportation once off the ship, on-board spending accounts, times to disembark, and where to leave your luggage for porters to remove.


Transport services after you disembark

The option for transportation from the cruise terminal is available for anyone at a separate cost. This may include taking a bus, taxi, shuttle bus or private transfer from the terminal to your required destination. These destinations can include train stations, Sydney airport, or your home if you chose a door to door service.


If you do not require transportation, or if you have already organised transport, you do not need to worry about the optional transportation document. If on the day, you find you do need transportation due to cancellation, you can join the queue for a taxi. This however, may be costly and have a long wait. Alternatively, you could also call a shuttle service.


On-board spending 

When you get the disembarkation information, ensure you look over the copy of your on-board spending to verify your account is correct. If you are unsure about a charge, visit the reception and enquire before you leave the ship. Ensure you have not overdrawn your account and if you have, fix up the account before you try to disembark. If you have money left in your account, get it back out from a kiosk or the front reception before you leave.



Once you leave your stateroom day of departure 

On the morning of your departure, you will have to leave your stateroom early so cleaning can begin. However, once out of your room you don’t need to hurry off the ship unnecessarily. Feel free to enjoy a last breakfast or coffee in one of the bars or cafes. You can do this while waiting for your group to be called over the ship-wide loudspeaker system.


When your group is called, it is time to disembark. You and your companions will need to proceed to the designated disembarkation area. This is usually in the atrium. Here you will have your cruise ID checked one last time and be registered as leaving. Before you disembark, do one final check to make sure you have everything you brought with you, excepting your luggage. Then walk off the ship into the terminal.




Finding your luggage 

If your luggage was taken off the ship by a porter, you will find your bags in the terminal. Bags are usually separated into groups that correspond with the group currently disembarking. Allowing for easier pick up ensuring you to find all your luggage quickly.


Missing luggage from your group may be in another pile or in the luggage trolley.  Have a quick look around you if you cannot find one of the bags they usually aren’t too far away. If there is a problem, speak to one of the luggage attendants and they will sort out the problem as fast as possible.



Now that disembarkation is over, proceed outside to your waiting transportation or join the queue for a taxi. Don’t forget to take one last look at your ship and remember all the good times you had while planning the next.